Proposal support

November 30, 2011


Joyce Ashley, Director

Milken Family Literacy and Youth Training Center
5414 South Crenshaw Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90043

Subject:        2012-2016 Youth WorkSource Center Letter of Support

Dear Ms. Ashley:

The Southland Partnership Corporation is pleased to provide support to the Los Angeles Urban League (LAUL) in their Youth Worksource Center proposal.  We believe the LAUL is most qualified to service outreach services to youth ages 14-21 that may be at risk and in-school, out-school, or through dropping out of high school or graduating with a GED certified without a path to higher education or a work career.

Together, we will participate fully, as appropriate, in support of your prescribed program reaching 1,000 youth and intensive case management and academic, work preparation and placement, youth leadership and supportive services for 210 youth.   We will identify and refer youth ages 14-21 meeting the risk factors of: (1) deficiency in basic literacy skills; (2) school drop-out; (3) homeless, runaway or a foster child; (4) pregnant or a parent; (5) an offender; or (6) an individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment.

The Southland Partnership Corporation operates the POWER Collaborative Network, a cluster of human resource providers & community outreach socioeconomic development specialists, who will also contribute to the Neighborhoods @ Work collaborative initiative to assure a ‘system of support’ for youth in need of our resources referred by the LAUL and other community-based partners.

We look forward to a strong, organized, community effort to create a Career Pathways Approach for our children and youth in danger of academic and career failure.  Thank you for your consideration and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (310) 637-7248.

Respectfully submitted,


Dean L. Jones, CPM

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