Acknowledge Meeting

March 10, 2006

Michael S. Manaigault, Senior Vice President
Community Development
Bank of America
333. South Hope Street, 11th Floor
Los Angeles,CA90071

Dear Mr. Manigault:

It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday at the Greenlining Institute meeting.  Thank you for affably sharing your background on growing up in Los Angeles.  It is refreshing to hear those candid remarks in the environs of an executive boardroom.

Your management of community development activity undoubtedly comes with a stream of requests for in-kind support and donations.  For this reason, I would like to stand out and offer our support to you.  I would like to lend a hand to your corporate representation as it comes with a highly favorable opportunity to make a difference on the quality of life for people of where I work and live.

The large and growing population of the greater Los Angeles area makes it difficult to meet the overwhelming challenges of this region, by any size corporation.  Humbly, we want to offer our proletarian insight on the various campaigns and activities having value to Bank of America in and around theComptonarea.  There are socioeconomic programs needing immediate attention in this area, and your community investment decisions on resources of time, labor, and money are reciprocally valued on making a difference.

For example, our organization has a memorandum of understanding with Broad Spectrum and the Internal Revenue Service that has designated our group for managing a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Center inCompton.  Communities with VITA centers have measurable worth on the income generated for their respective local economy.  Bank of America may see benefits with this endeavor.

Notwithstanding, please feel free to visit our web site,, and/or to contact our office should you have any questions.  Again, thank you for your time and potential interest associated with our community-based organization.  I look forward to the prospect of servicing Bank of America in its community development efforts.

To greater involvement,


Dean L. Jones, C.P.M.

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