Project Support

February 7, 2011

The Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor
City of Los Angeles
200 N. Spring Street, Room 300
Los Angeles, CA  90012

Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa:

The Southland Partnership Corporation/P.O.W.E.R. Collaborative Network represents a countywide community based organization that works with the City of Los Angeles Community Development Department, LAWA and Youth Opportunity Movement on jobs and training programs.  Moreover, we worked with AEG on the local hiring commitments made when L.A. LIVE was being developed.  We are pleased to offer support for the AEG Farmers Field stadium proposal.  The outcome will make a critical difference in helping some of the most vulnerable segments of the Los Angeles populace.

Since 2001, we greatly appreciate AEG’s comprehensive and consistent delivery of community benefits with our economic and workforce development group.  This regional outreach effort works well for our mutual organizations in areas such as job referrals, community job fairs, affordable housing, local hiring, green space development and human services training/education processes.  As we collectively strive to improve the content and delivery of our activity, we look forward to AEG’s continued participation toward expanding, retaining and attracting employers for highly valuable to residents in the region.

In view of that, we once again fully embrace the prospect to work with AEG to replicate our results with the newly proposed Farmers Field project.  Our community will do good having a venture where over 50{ccc488d5a2ce4d1842f7a5a096256d3759c870d7ef5844ed8e9a39b694d97103} of the jobs are held by residents residing within a three-mile area (some of which are poverty zip codes identified by the City of Los Angeles), and where over 70{ccc488d5a2ce4d1842f7a5a096256d3759c870d7ef5844ed8e9a39b694d97103} of jobs pay a living wage.  When completed, Farmers Field will produce over 7,000 construction jobs and 8,000 permanent related career positions that will come at a time when so many people struggle to find work, making this a critical opportunity for the local community.

As you can tell, we are eager to extend our collaborative support in helping to foster the potential array of affirmative opportunities for the local community.  Farmers Field has the potential to have a significantly positive and lasting effect on our neighborhood’s vitality.


Dean L. Jones, C.P.M.


The Honorable Eric Garcetti, Council President
The Honorable Jan Perry, Council President Pro Tempore
The Honorable Ed P. Reyes, Councilmember 1st District
The Honorable Paul Krekorian, Councilmember 2nd District
The Honorable Dennis P. Zine, Councilmember 3rd District
The Honorable Tom LaBonge, Councilmember 4th District
The Honorable Paul Koretz, Councilmember 5th District
The Honorable Tony Cardenas, Councilmember 6th District
The Honorable Richard Alarcon, Councilmember 7th District
The Honorable Bernard C. Parks, Councilmember 8th District
The Honorable Herb J. Wesson, Councilmember 10th District
The Honorable Bill Rosendahl, Councilmember 11th District
The Honorable Greig Smith, Councilmember 12th District
The Honorable Jose Huizar, Councilmember 14th District
The Honorable Janice Hahn, Councilmember 15th District

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