Public Bidding

September 10, 2009

The Honorable Mark Ridley-Thomas
Supervisor, Second District
Los AngelesCountyBoardof Supervisors
866 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street
Los Angeles,CA90012

RE:  Complaint on WIA Contracting Process

Dear Supervisor Ridley-Thomas:

On Thursday, 12:30 PM, August 20, 2009, I attended the formal County of Los Angeles Review Panel meeting in the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, Room 140-A, at 500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles CA 90012.  This correspondence wishes to extend a complaint with these seemingly unprincipled proceedings centered on the County of Los Angeles’ Department of Community and Senior Services (CSS) cover-up of its poor review performance of the request for proposals to service the Workforce Investment Act Title I Adult and Dislocated Workers Programs in the City of Compton.

This hearing had several points in the proceedings showing how the CSS staff members knowingly and with thoughtless mal-intent executed a 100{ccc488d5a2ce4d1842f7a5a096256d3759c870d7ef5844ed8e9a39b694d97103} bias against the long-term incumbent City ofComptonas social service provider, and have calculatingly accepted a false and fraudulent bid to replace them on this vital contract.  My observations as a certified purchasing manager and community development service provider readily render an earnest opinion that theCountyofLos Angelesis engaging in deception, fraud, false promise, misrepresentation, unfair practices, and suppression and/or omission of material facts in connection with this particular social service contracting process.

TheCountyofLos Angeles Supervisors,CountyofLos Angeles Mental Health Services, and CSS became aware of the bidding abnormalities in this particular situation and obviously conspired to cover-up and suppress the information by the bid review panel and awarded the contract to the bidding agencies’ false and misleading promise of service.  Overall, the County Board of Supervisors were given ample notice to rectify this situation and consequently by your lead has terminated the contract with the City ofCompton.  Consequently, this has violated the public’s trust by theCountyofLos Angeles’ acceptance of a proposal that is misleading and false moving forward in a manner that perseveres the cover-up.

Our nonprofit organization, the Southland Partnership Corporation, operates an effective collaborative of job developers throughout the County of Los Angeles and your badly chosen actions on this matter make it difficult to extend honor and dignity to your role in developing employment and motivating job developers toward building an interprofessional social service network in the County of Los Angeles.  As your actions are victimizing the community service providers, like us, any input on the matter on your behalf are professionally welcomed.

Respectfully submitted,

Dean L. Jones, C.P.M.

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