Customer Complaint

March 11, 2011

Ursula M. Burns, CEO
Xerox Corporation
45 Glover Avenue
P.O. Box 4505
Norwalk, CT 06856-4505

Dear Ms. Burns,

This letter is a customer complaint about Xerox, and my professional decision to never buy or recommend a Xerox brand product.  Within a reasonable period of 6-7 years ago, I purchased from Staples a brand new XL 2140DF Work Centre copier.  It has worked fine, however today, I contacted Xerox using its online referral number and the service response resulted in the rudest and strangest wild goose ride that I have ever encountered.

Starting out to purchase a toner cartridge seemed commonplace, but after five different stories with from Xerox customer service representatives, the task ended with me feeling completely let down.  Xerox personnel clearly stated the company could do absolutely nothing about replacement parts for this machine, as it is a discontinued item.  Thereby, having my request to purchase a toner cartridge, part #106R482, completely dismissed without any resolvable recommendation other than buy a newer machine.

Surely, if the final situation requires me to buy another copier and in the process having to place this perfectly good machine into the environment, then Xerox will not be part of my prospective future purchase plans.  As a layperson to running a major corporation, I do believe the request for toner excessively simple from an organization that built its whole product line around toner.  You would think an imaging company knows that, however, the telecommunications customer representatives hired (outsourced) by Xerox are unmindful to the nature of that core business.

Lastly, the Xerox web site states the aforementioned toner cartridge is on backorder, which turns out to be as outdated a message as to my dismay the obsolescence of my perfectly good Xerox copier.  It is my hope that you will work to improve the basic serviceability of your major corporation, because this has caused a very sad separation on so many levels.


Dean L. Jones


~March 18, 2102, Email response~

Dear Mr. Jones:

Your letter dated March 11th was forwarded to me for research and action.

We appreciate very much your good feedback regarding our XL2140 product line and regret your disappointment in finding out this is a discontinued product.

I myself have exhausted all Xerox internal supply resources.   Therefore, I ventured outside Xerox since I know there are retailers who carry our products and stock up large quantities.  This helps our end user in need for consumables even after Xerox stops manufacturing them.

Through a google search I found Apex Ink & Toner online.   Their phone number is 800-971-7071.   They confirmed they have 15 cartridges in stock.   They are having a special sale price of $111.95 each (regular $178)  and for three a special price of $322.50.    Also they are offering free shipping for orders of $50 or more.

We apologize for the outdated information on our website and your frustration is certainly understandable.  Thanks to your feedback, the product page has been updated to reflect the current status.

Again, thank you for taking the time to make us aware of your concerns and hope that the information I have provided is of help to you.

Sincerely yours,

Yvonne Turner
Executive Customer Relations
Office of the Chairman & CEO
Xerox Corporation
5700 Canoga Avenue, Suite 350
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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